Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for finding myself last night.

I was upset and becoming depressed.  I suddenly realized that I was not really listening to the words of my mantras.  I was just mouthing the words.

I needed to fully let go of that which doesn't serve me.  I was saying that daily, but wasn't doing it.  I needed to get back on track.

The more I realized this, the more I realized that I was ONLY responsible for myself.  After realizing this, I felt a lot better.

I was also becoming worried that Spring was here and then comes Summer.  I worried about what he could do to me.  I realized that he had no control over me.  I must let go of that which doesn't serve me.  The way to do that is to be quiet.

I am grateful to the Almighty for realizing this.

I have found myself and am back on track.

I am grateful to the Almighty for His helping me to realize this.

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