Sunday, March 17, 2013


I want to thank you, Almighty for the gift of RECOGNITION.

I realized that if I was to have a good day, I needed to be much quieter today and smile a lot more.

I will have a good day.

I have joy.  I have energy.

The workshop that I went to yesterday was very enlightening.  I learned to go back in time to understand why I feel the way I do today.   I certainly learned a lot.  It took me a while to write about it since I had to make it my own. 

I also enjoyed the conversation that I had with my younger one too.

It's time to walk.

It's time for yoga.

It's time to have a good day.

I have had an excellent day.  My yoga class was a joy.  Walking was wonderful.  I found the Passover items that I needed in the supermarket.

I'm off for a manicure and pedicure!!!!

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