Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I am grateful, to the Almighty, on this first day of Spring for so many things in my life.

It really didn't snow.  I didn't have much to shovel.

I have become myself.  I have connected my home and work personalities so that I can enjoy my own life.  I have made friends.  I do so many interesting things.  Last night, for example, I went to Restorative Yoga.  Tonight, I have a private yoga lesson.

I feel safe.  I know exactly what to do if someone tries to hurt me emotionally.  That is a real blessing.  I feel in control.  I don't have to make anyone else happy in order to feel happiness. I don't have to please anyone but myself.

I'm looking forward to Spring because I will have a good time, not because anyone will be good to me.

I feel joy inside.  I feel laughter on the outside.  I laughed so yesterday when I hugged the dog's frisbee and he ran the other way barking.   My heart sang because it was funny.  

I have been around misery all my life and have tried to make others feel good.

I know that it's time for me and I'm not looking back.

I am grateful!!!!

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