Friday, March 8, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for learning to be mellow.

I am not by nature, a mellow person.  However, I have finally learned that in certain circumstances with people who only wish to upset and harm you, the most important thing is to be mellow.  In that way, you can survive and enjoy each day of your life.

I have set an intention to be calm.  No one person is going to upset that.  I love myself deeply.  I will let go of what doesn't serve me fully.

This helps me to enjoy life.

I am grateful to the Almighty for teaching me how to be mellow around people who are not healthy for me.  These are people that I am related to.  I'm not talking about friends or acquaintances because I would end those relationships in a heartbeat.

It's interesting that I feel no anxiety about these feelings.  I am not swallowing my rage against these people.  I just have, in my on mind, ended my relationship with them and have moved on.

Thank you, Almighty for this realization.

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