Thursday, February 19, 2015


I am grateful to you, Almighty because you are always in my life.

I always feel protected and safe because you are there.

It is freezing outside.  I have done chores and showered.  I will be on my way to yoga soon.  You have made it cold, but there is no snow so I can get out alone.  I will take 2 yoga classes and do some chores.  

You have made me understand that silence is the weapon that I can use against him.  By that I mean that I don't react to anything that I don't want to.  You created a bad forecast for Sunday so that I don't have to go to the Oscars at Cinema Arts and watch him gorge on restaurant food in places that are "too pricey" for him to take me to.

You have helped me to create a life that I am happy with.  Yesterday was my Yoga Book Club and I went for a mani/pedi and met my friend there.

I am grateful to you for my life.

Thank you.

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