Monday, February 23, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for my strength and fortitude.

I'm going to need both because this cold winter is continuing and I am locked in the house with him.  Yesterday he actually made me angry and actually made me scream. 

I made the mistake of trying to explain something to him.  I have to let go of my BOCES personality when I am with him.  He cannot be helped at all.  This is one sick puppy!!!!

Today I will have him drive me around because it is very icy outside.  That is about all he is good for.  

I made a mistake yesterday.

He has lost the new condo, vacations and now my Boces personality.

I wonder what will come next?

Thank you Almighty for my strength and fortitude.

With you by my side, I will succeed.

I am grateful.

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