Friday, August 12, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because yesterday in yoga I head the concept of "higher self."

This is exactly where I hope to be going in my life as I release myself from the binds and try not to create new ones.

I am loving my life with all the freedom and adventures that it creates.  I spend my days at the pool, walking, reading, attending book discussions and practicing yoga. What could be better? I see friends.  I text friends.  I am in love with my life.  Every Friday I get my hair blown out and the chores are done calmly.  No conversation upsets me as I have learned to let go.

I have learned to be calm and quiet and live in the moment.

I have learned that when waves come I need to be balanced.  I need to pause.  I need to have effort and then ease.  I need to be grounded so I can grow.  I need to be centered so I am grounded and grow.

There will always be waves.  Calmness depends on the way you handle the waves.

We will be going out east this weekend.

I will live in the moment and enjoy it.

Thank you Almighty.

I am so grateful for your help.

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