Monday, August 29, 2016


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has made me a strong woman.

I am creating a new story.  It is a story without drama and of course the old story comes with it but in the far background.  

I am very pleased with the strength, calm and quiet that I exercised this weekend out east.  I had a good time.  Everything that I was thinking didn't have to be said BUT it was there.  I was very proud of me.

I have one more weekend out east in this condo and then the condo is over for good.  The new co-op is in town allowing me a lot more freedom.  I am grateful for this.

Today I will walk and practice yoga.

Chores need doing.

I'm getting a flu shot too.

Thank you Almighty for being my strength when I needed you.

I am grateful.

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