Wednesday, February 12, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty because He sent me to practice yoga yesterday and it was in Leslie's class that we talked about self-love.

I am learning to love myself and be proud of myself.  I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

I'm enjoying each day of my life, even the difficult ones.  Yesterday Freddy had to come because the hot water unit closed again.  I may need a new one.  He fixed it this time. Shower!  Here I come!!

Today I will practice yoga in Elyse's class.  I will walk at The Home Depot for a bit because it's Tuesday and I'm having lunch with my friends.

Later this afternoon I will take the limousine to Queens and visit Remi!!!!

More later........

I had an absolutely wonderful time.  Izzy and I picked Remi up from daycare and I saw his friends and teachers.  We took a long walk around the park and came home.  Izzy put Remi's big boy bed together and we played.  He loved his dinosaur book. I bought Indian food for dinner.  Can't ask for a better day than that!!!!

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