Monday, February 3, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty for the peace and quiet in my life.

This weekend was absolutely amazing.  The Men's Club and Sisterhood Sabbath was lovely.  I stayed for the speaker too and sat with my friends.  I did not have to worry about what would happen to me when I returned home.  I came home to read and breathe.

Sunday I practiced yoga in Doreen's class.  I decided to walk at The Huntington Mall because I needed makeup.  I went to Bye Bye Baby to get some things for Madalyn.  I read the papers and my book.  Then I went for a manicure/pedicure and took the truck to get washed.  I decided to make tofu for dinner but not until I had a glass of wine and sat in The Yoga Room reading.

Today I will practice yoga and walk at The Home Depot.  Chores will follow and I will finish my book for The Yoga Book Club.

Tonight I suggested to my MahJong friends that we have Chinese food since we are going to discuss The Song of the Jade Lily at Sisterhood tomorrow. Debbie is picking me up.  After dinner we will play MahJong in my house.  Matzah will be euphoric!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for the peace and quiet in my life.

Thank you!

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