Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am safe.

Yesterday we had a major blizzard which is continuing today!!!!!!

I am beyond happy!!!!   I always wanted to know what would happen when I was in the house with just my wits about me.  It is a time when I have to create things to do.  It's wonderful!!!!

I am safe in mind, body and spirit as a yogi would say.

I am safe physically and mentally as a regular person would say.

The power did NOT go out yesterday.  I was able to read, text, talk on the phone, watch television, and do yoga.  I was even able to organize my websites in a book.  I made a delicious dinner which I really enjoyed.  I had a good nights sleep.   I was physically safe.

I was mentally safe too.  I never answered any of his remarks which would have given him something to do but would have taken me down the wrong path.  He was very bored by this BUT I was delighted because I brought yoga into my life.

Today the blizzard continues.  I will do exactly the same as yesterday.  I will live in "to be" and enjoy every moment.  My project today is laundry and organizing files.

Thank you, Almighty for my safety.

I am grateful!!!!!

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