Sunday, January 11, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have seen a great deal of growth in me in the previous years.

Yesterday two of his family members stopped by on the way home from a Bat Mitzvah.  After a day of silence with me (because I have a list of topics that I won't discuss) it was amazing the way he perked up.   He speaks to one of these people daily,  charting everything that I do.  I know very little about these people nor do I care to know more after the history that they have with me.  This is fine with me as I have long ago given up the idea of being a family member.  As a matter of fact, years ago, I was told that I wasn't one and it stuck.

The visit was short and after they left he went back to silence.

I went back to my book which was amazing and I finished it.  

I did chores and planned today.

I did find it interesting to watch him in action as though I were watching a mental patient.

I'm off to take two yoga classes in this frigid weather.  However the snow has melted and that allows me to be free.

I did think about my mother, of blessed memory.  She never grew even though she did have the opportunity to.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the growth in me.

Thank you!!!!!

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