Thursday, January 1, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty that I am healthy and happy.

I am grateful to the Almighty because of all that I learned in 2014.   All the false dreams have been let go of.  I am no longer planning vacations with him or buying another condo or spending the money that he won in 2 lawsuits. I am no longer listening to his stories and believing them. I am glad that I let go of those dreams because now I truly can make new dreams for myself.  

I have set intentions for myself that I have hung up in the music room.

I see him for the false person that he is.

I awoke on this first day of January so contented and so happy.  I did not go out last night as was my choice.  I did not answer when he told me that he was bored.  I decided to make dinner and after dinner I listened to Classical music, lit my chocolate candle and read. There were no false dreams.  It felt wonderful.

This morning I've already done some chores, showered and soon will be on my way to yoga. It looks like a beautiful day to walk outside today and I plan to do just that.

I'm going to live in the moment and enjoy each moment.

Thank you Almighty for all the lessons that I learned in 2014.

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