Sunday, January 11, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for the growth that I have made.

I arrived home happily from two wonderful yoga classes and all my errands.

He was ready to begin again.

I had to lay it out for him in the quiet and small voice that I have perfected just for him.  I told him that years ago I participated in these "tennis match" conversations which went nowhere.  I have outgrown them.  I told him that if he has nothing to say he can be quiet.  I would not participate in the game anymore.

If he doesn't want a condo, that's fine with me.  If he doesn't want vacations that is also fine with me.   

I basically took away all his leverage.  How sad!!!!

His solution was to take a nap.  After all, if you can't bully you need to hide.

Thank you, Almighty for my growth.

I am grateful!!!!

Later-  He certainly screwed up his dinner.  He had no real plan, just to frustrate.  With that in mind, I suggested that I have Japanese food and he have yogurt.   It work and I had a wonderful dinner.

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