Friday, January 6, 2017


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have absorbed and integrated all that I have learned in yoga and am finally comfortable with who I am.

It's not that I ever had real doubts about me.  However, I was constantly judging myself.  Now I accept and truly appreciate the core and essence of myself.  I now know what my truth is and I feel a quiet and calm confidence surrounding me.  I have never felt that way before.

I am grateful for the incredible week that I had which began with Adult Coloring where I saw women that I haven't seen in years and realized that I wasn't like them, didn't want to be and was proud of me.  I went on to fully participate in a Reiki Circle and give attunements to two clients plus my husband. These are the pre-requisites that I need do before the Reiki 3 training in March.  I participated in a Meditation class this week and received my textbook for Reiki 3 which I must also read before class starts.

I am a work in progress and I am proud of me.  I really am proud of who I am in this world as well as my purpose in it.

Tonight is the beginning of the Sabbath. 

I am grateful to the Almighty for the realizations that I have had.
Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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