Friday, January 27, 2017


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the joy in my life.

I am taking myself down a new path.  I have a new story.  I will not be stuck because I have space and I have options and choices.  

That is the way that I live my life day by day.  The most amazing thing is that the week flies what with all the wonderful and interesting things that I do.

This week I meditated with the Crystal Singing Bowls.  I tried a new yoga class.  I changed my nail color to a deep purple.  I attended my Memory Workshop and bought new sneakers.

I practiced yoga this morning and Leslie spoke of adapting, accepting and then letting go of.......
That fits so well with my life that I'm going to adopt it!!!!!

I love my life because it's fun and it's mine.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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