Friday, February 1, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful mornings that He has given me.

I no longer have to live in fear.  I no longer have to creates strategies for survival and safety.

I no longer have to dress by eight o'clock and race out of the house to walk at The Home Depot or outside and then rush to yoga to avoid an attack.

I am no longer starred at in the morning without being spoken to.

I no longer hear, "Good Morning, Ellen."

My abuser is dead.

I awake happily and decide when to get up in the morning quietly and peacefully.  Matzah wakes beside me as I give him Reiki, brush him, feed him and let him out.  I go to the driveway to pick up the papers and bring in water.

I text G'morning to some friends and the girls.

I eat breakfast watching my new television and then read the papers as long as I want to.

I love my new mornings.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful.

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