Sunday, July 7, 2019


I am grateful to the Almighty for the freedom that I have and the peace and contentment that I feel.

Yesterday was the Sabbath.  It is such a joy to attend services and chat with friends.  I feel so welcome and it makes me very happy.  I will be monitoring the caterer's kitchen while the Rabbi is away.  I am working on a committee to creative a recognition breakfast for older members.

I was able to work for almost 2 hours yesterday.  It was after I came home from services in the middle of the day.  I read the newspapers quietly too.  I sat on the deck with Matzah.  I read my book for the yoga book club before I went to sleep.

Today I practiced yoga.  I got weighed at Weight Watchers.  I walked for an hour.

PJC had its yearly picnic at the pool.  It was wonderful.  I hung out with so many people. I'm beyond happy. 

Thank you Almighty for all the joy in my life and for the fact that I'm free.

I am grateful!!

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