Tuesday, July 21, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the joy in my life.

I had so much fun yesterday with Debbie and Rhonnie.  We went to Starbucks for iced coffee and then to Amazing Savings,  a store that I have never been to.  I have lived in Plainview for a long time but could NEVER have the kind of friendship or activities that I do now.

Today I walked for two hours early in the morning before the heat wave hit again.  I made oatmeal for breakfast.  I watched the news and spoke to Dana.

Later I have to deal with the dentist and my broken tooth.....................

LATER:  I went to Dr. Kurtz and he told me that the tooth was fractured and because half of it was still intact I would need an inlay.   I did this WITHOUT any medication at all. I was quite calm.  It's the me that I always was with the Almighty beside me.

In the evening I zoomed my first Sisterhood meeting.  It was like a comedy.

Thank you Almighty for my life.

I am grateful.

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