Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am beginning to understand myself.

Yesterday I got a tremendous amount accomplished.  The truck passed inspection.  I went to mail bills t the post office.  I paid my PJC membership.  Michael picked up the income tax information. I purchased items at Bed and Bath and I cleaned the entire house.

Yet I kept thinking about my mother and the creature.  

Finally I realized that Sunday had been the day she died and I was upset because of what she did to me.

I started to count my blessings and realized that I have an entire life to be grateful for and I moved on.

Today I intend to read, walk and relax.  (I walked for 2 1/4 hours.  I even called Apple and updated my computer so that Safari finally closes.)

Thank you Almighty for this wonderful revelation.

I am grateful.

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