Friday, July 24, 2020


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has kept me healthy and strong.

He has allowed me to grow and develop.

Yesterday was a wonderful day filled with a manicure/pedicure, getting my hair blown out, Judith as well as Kyra, Marc and jewelry and walking two hours.

Right before I went to bed last night, I noticed a leak coming from the lighting fixture on the ceiling. I called a friend who gave me the name of a roofer.  He's coming this morning.

I did not become's just another household problem to deal with.

I have grown since last year and I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Thank you.

Later:  A fellow named Doug came and the roof problem will be handled with a tarp or actual fixing today!!!

Later:  A tarp arrived and when it was placed on the house I went to lunch with Rhonnie and Debbie at Pasteria.......inside!!!!   We went to Target and I got more pool toys for Remi and Madalyn.  Then we were going back to Rhonnie's and I stopped off to buy a 3 scoop ice cream sundae for me!!!!   That was my dinner!!!!

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