Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 I am grateful to the Almighty for a calm and peaceful Yom Kippur filled with praying for myself and my family for good health, and a long and happy life. I hope that the Almighty hears my prayers ad makes them come true!  Kol Nidre was wonderful. Charles left about 12 and I was able to accomplish everything and then eat and attend services. I came home to read.  I went to services all day the next day.  I was able to pray and concentrate on my feelings of gratitude for this wonderful new life that the Almighty has given me.  There was NO HEADACHE at all and I was grateful. I came home.......had breakfast and lunch......spoke to Charles and Karen and then read....and watched television.  I had 4 cups of coffee!!!!

Today I will walk.  Susan will arrive with my new bags at 10.  I will pay bills and clean the house. Charles will arrive at 4.  He's invited for dinner and to watch the debate.  I invited him until Thursday morning.

Life is so much fun!!! Never in my entire life did I think that I would write this. I don't have to overthink...I just have to enjoy life.

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful!!

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