Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 I am grateful to the Almighty for the new life that He has given me.

Yesterday I went to Dr. Kurtz my dentist and my teeth were fine.  My next appointment is in July.

I walked at The Home Depot and began food shopping at ShopRite because there is a warmup coming tomorrow and I will be driving to Commack to meet up with Charles and walk at Sunken Meadow.

I attended my PJC Board meeting last night too.

Breakfast was a joy this morning as I watch CNN, eat and then read The NY Times and Newsday.

Today Matzah has a checkup appointment.  I hope to again walk at The Home Depot.  I have food shopping to do also.

Today my little grandson is 3!!!!

I will practice yoga this evening.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

Thank you.

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