Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 I am grateful to the Almighty because Charles and I practiced yoga yesterday and it was there that Leslie spoke of how a tree grows.

A tree sheds its bark the same way that a human MUST LET GO OF THAT WHICH DOESN'T SERVE YOU SO THAT CAN HEAL!!

That so resonated with me especially after meeting up accidentally with my brother on Saturday.

I am going to try to make this work.

Charles took me to breakfast at the diner and then he was off and I was off to clean the house, walk have dinner with Rhonnie and Barbara and play MahJong.

At home I spoke to Karen and Charles and then it was bedtime.

Today I will practice yoga, read and walk.

I also have a periodontal appointment.

Hope all goes well.

Thank you Almighty for the life that you have given me.

I am grateful.

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