Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 I am grateful to the Almighty because I am de-cluttering my mind with people, ideas and thoughts that no longer serve me.

This is allowing me to have many new adventures.

Today I practiced yoga in Leslie's class.  After that I filled up the tank.....drove to St. James.....to Charles' place with Matzah and had a wonderful afternoon as Matzah got used to the sights and sounds of the area that Charles lives in.

I came home to continue my Passover preparation by lining a counter top and cleaning the oven and top of the range.  I also cleaned a bathroom.

I also have a St. James Zoom meeting to attend. Charles will be at a Rangers game with Michael.

I will be going out to dinner this week and gaining some weight.  

The diet will begin during Passover.

I am grateful to the Almighty for all these new adventures.

Thank you.

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