Saturday, April 16, 2022


 I am grateful to the Almighty for the AMAZING and WONDERFUL first SEDER that I attended at Plainview Jewish Center last night.

It was conducted by our new Cantor.....Judith Merrick!

I learned that I'm no longer a SLAVE.......I'm FREE!   I'm FREE to be myself without any explanation!!!

Tonight's the second SEDER.  Dana, Seth and Madalyn aren't coming but Hilary, Izzy and Remi are. Charles is coming too as Elizabeth has Covid and canceled her Easter celebration.

I am looking forward to reading today and taking a walk.

I am looking forward to the second Seder.  It's a tough holiday to prepare for but once the preparation is done....I love the holiday!

Thank you Almighty for keeping me both healthy and happy so that I can enjoy my holidays.

I am grateful.

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