Monday, May 11, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for today.

I am healthy.

I am happy.

I had a wonderful Mother's Day because I was not rigid.  I was fluid and flexible and accepted what I have.  Izzy, Hilary and Dana loved the dog park and the wine tasting on the deck.  We went to Morrisons and that too was wonderful.  Martin as usual had a miserable time.  I had to laugh inside because he is stuck with these people and can't destroy me.

Hilary, Izzy and Dana bought me two Buddas and Izzy made me a yoga CD.

I walked early this morning and then took not one but two yoga classes.  I bought yoga clothes.

I'm off to the eye doctor soon............................

The eye doctor checkup was fine.  I now have a new prescription to fill for new cool glasses.

I was able to walk again.

I started my new book.

I am grateful for today.

Thank you Almighty

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