Friday, May 29, 2015


I am so grateful to the Almighty because He has helped create change in me and I have come so far from the person I once was.

My life is filled with joy of my own making and guided by His hand.  Every day I look at the world and have a variety of wonderful things to do.  Yesterday, for example, I walked and took my yoga class.  I went to the Syosset Library for a discussion of the Brintel Brief and then went to my Memory workshop.  I laughed a lot at these activities which is so good for the mind, body and spirit.  I met friends at these activities and exchanged stories.  

Today I will again walk and read.  I'm taking 2 yoga classes this morning.  This afternoon I am going for a mani/pedi.

Tonight it will be Shabbos.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for how far I have come.

Thank you.

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