Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am healing.

I am becoming the authentic person that I was meant to be.  I am practicing intimacy.  As a result of this I am healing.  I am learning how wonderful it is to just be.  It is indeed wonderful to be me.

Yesterday was an awesome day filled with walking, yoga, book clubs and in the evening, dinner with a dear friend.  Martin  and I even picked up my anniversary gift from Solomon's, a jeweler that I love. Marc found me a yin-yang that I immediately purchased and will pick up on Tuesday.

Today is another wonderful day.  I will walk and attend my yoga class.  Today is the yoga book club too. 

I will come home to pack because we will leave for the condo tomorrow and will be back on Sunday.

Thank you, Almighty because I am healing.

I am grateful.

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