Thursday, June 4, 2015


I usually just write one post a day but what happened today deserves another!!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned from Him to be grounded in reality.

This morning I took a yoga class and the teacher worked with our feet because she said that in doing yoga poses as in life one needs to be grounded.  In life one needs to be grounded in reality.

I created dreams filled with hope for so many years.   He had an amazing run controlling me.  That is so over because I am grounded in reality and stillness and quiet.

The plan today was a film at Cinema Arts and dinner out.  That was his choice.  That became my Apple lesson and gray sole on the deck.  All of this is an attempt to get a rise out of me.  It's just not happening.


I am grounded in reality.  I am fluid and flexible.  I accept what I can't change.  I am comfortable with stillness.

I have become a yogi.

Thank you, Almighty for this.

I am grateful!!!!

(The update to the dinner that I made was that he regretted having dinner at home and told me that he is not good at making decisions.  Foiled again!!  One has to laugh.

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