Monday, June 8, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for the joy in my life.   I must learn to see misery in perspective and to accept what I cannot change.

I really did not feel well when I went to yoga yesterday morning.  I knew that this was the result of putting too much weight on the misery in my life.  I feel guilty because the older one is marrying a Muslim.  However, I realized that I brought her up with religion and that the Almighty will punish her.  She is no longer my responsibility.

I had a wonderful time at the Hazan's party.  I brought him and when he introduced himself to people I realized how far my life had come and I was grateful.  I didn't even bother to introduce him because it wasn't worth it.  I had a wonderful time.

Today I will walk and practice yoga.

I have a retirement party to attend tonight that I will enjoy.

Thank you, Almighty for my life.

I am grateful.

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