Sunday, June 7, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for every breathe that I take.

I will not do anything to destroy my life.  This is a promise that I am making to myself.

I cannot change him and won't bother.  The older one pulled a scam and is marrying a Muslim. I did the best that I could in bringing her up in a Jewish way.  This is between the Almighty and her.

I am grateful to Him for every breathe that I take and will do nothing to shorten my time on earth.  I will enjoy each moment given to me.

Today I will walk, practice yoga, go to Weight Watchers.

This evening I will attend a fundraiser at PJC celebrating the Chazan's 40th anniversary.

I am grateful to the Almighty that I get to do these things.

Thank you.

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