Sunday, September 2, 2012


I didn't expect this.  I came home from walking to find him in a major hissy fit.  He thinks that he is having a heart attack and he's doing the act!!!!!!   I was going to go to yoga, but I realized that he wouldn't let me do it and would be a drama-queen and create an entire act.  What did I do???

For my last act, I cried, LOUDLY AND SCREAMED TOO!!!! Some of the crying was real because it had to do with pent up anger that I didn't want to keep inside.  

AND THEN A MIRACLE!!!!!  He felt better.  I told him that "MY DOCTOR" said that I shouldn't stay in a house filled with stress, so I went on errands.  I weighed myself at WEIGHT WATCHERS which I planned to do, bought goodies there and went to CVS and bought more interesting things.

Leaving the house is costly.

Anyway the act shut him up for a while.   Tuesday is work and I'm FREE!!!!!

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