Sunday, September 9, 2012


Thanks to the Almighty, this new strategy of a quiet little voice has given me a wonderful weekend.

I was able to finish The Picture of Dorian Grey and begin to read, Unbroken.  On Saturday, I went to services in the morning and then was able to walk.  I spoke to Hilary and finally explained what my life has been like.   I also was able to go to the Selichot services at the synagogue.  For the first time, I went by myself and met up with friends.  I got home at midnight and read for a bit.

This morning, I walked, went to PJC, did yoga, went to Weight Watchers, read the newspapers quietly and even was able to go to the bakery and get my challahs and cake for Rosh Hashana. Now I'm on the computer.

I am grateful to the Almighty for sending me the doctor who explained that my chat-strategy NEVER worked.   Quiet chat about what is right in front on me is the way to go.  It has given me so much more time to do the things that I love.

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