Thursday, September 27, 2012


I hope that this New Year will be a good one for me.  I certainly prayed a lot.  I hope that the Almighty heard me and has forgiven me for my sins these last few years since the younger one married Kingsley.

I really enjoyed YOM KIPPUR.  As a matter of fact, I was surprised when it was over.   I learned a lot since July.  I kept my cool these last 2 days when he didn't want to give me my bank account numbers so that I new what to deposit in which account.  Then he arrived at services at 10 and left at 12:30 and my only comment was that I wasn't the "religious police".  I did very well.

I am grateful for understanding the reality of my life and also for really hearing what the Rabbi said in his sermon.  You have to be grateful for what you have and not envy others.

I'm going to work on this. I am grateful for my health, my spirituality, my joy and my energy.  My the Almighty shine on me this year.


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