Tuesday, September 25, 2012


It is almost Kol Nidre and as I review the year, I am grateful to the Almighty that I have survived. As a result of what happened to me, I am stronger, am more in control and ready and happy to move on independently with my own life.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.  Without the help of the Almighty, I might have folded, but He made me strong.  I survived what he did to my friends.  I survived all his bantering about my being responsible for his doctor and being loyal to my friends.  I survived what happened in July.  I survived what those girls did to me.

Thanks to the Almighty, I survived it all and I'm different and better.  I rid myself of them for the holidays and am able to really enjoy going to synagogue and the rest of the holiday.  I'm free to be me.  I call the shots for me.   I'm free and it's wonderful.

I am so grateful!!!!!

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