Wednesday, September 5, 2012


They say that "youth is wasted on youth." In my case, it was so true!!!   I spent my entire life trying to have him understand my dreams and goals.  

In the end, I have come to realize that he has no positive dreams.  He had no positive goals.  His dream and his goal were to tear down yours.

Thanks to the Almighty because I have come to realize this.   I now have my own dreams and goals.  I really enjoyed the Sisterhood meeting last night.  One of my goals was to attend these meetings and I am achieving that.

He is now annoying me to sell the condo.  I had dreams for that little condo. His dream was to tear down mine.  Wouldn't it be better to sell it and move ahead with my own goals???  I'm beginning to think so.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my own life.

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