Friday, September 28, 2012


I gave him Thursdays to plan an activity for us because I didn't want him in the Jewish Adult Institute causing difficulty on Mondays.  As is usual for him, last week was a success because it was the first one.
This week was different.  I came home and he spent a great deal of time needling me about Hilary.  Did she call me?  Did she text me?  I answered as I usually do, that, to quote Hilary without any anger because I don't care, " it's all about you." Therefore, she calls him daily as she used to call me walking to or from the train.  It's no longer than that.  He persisted and I went about my business.   I never engaged in direct feelings.
At night I wondered why he kept bringing this up.  And suddenly I had it figured out. He did this with Phil and Jeff.  He reminded them of arguments with their wives, arguments that were long gone.  However, he tried to bring back their rage.  This is what he was doing with me and the girls.  I hadn't fallen for it.

This morning I texted Hilary.  She texted me back.  When he speaks to her, he will realize that we spoke because I mentioned the film that we saw last night.  

This will upset him. He was foiled again.

How far I have come.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for this.

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