Friday, September 7, 2012


It's the first weekend of the new school year.  He has been trying very hard to needle and upset me so that I will get angry.  Then his pattern will be to call 911, the girls and his sister-in-law to carry on about me.  He has already, thanks to one of them given me a diagnosis of BPD.  I will never forget, HI!!!!!!

I have to try very hard this weekend to maintain my "cute little voice" so that he doesn't get to me.

I am praying to the Almighty for the strength to do this.  I think that if I take a deep breathe and know this about him, I will succeed.  I also must remember not to speak when I'm tired and to say that I am tired.  If he makes a new rule, I'm to be quiet until it's clarified like the one about the necklace.  These rules are made to upset me and I have to be careful NOT to react or he's got me.

I'm brighter than he is.  I have him figured out.  

I pray to the Almighty that I will succeed.

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