Tuesday, September 4, 2012


With all that was going on this summer between him and me, it is amazing that the Almighty helped me to have the wonderful summer that I ALONE DID.  As I've said these past entries, ALL THE THINGS THAT I ENJOYED, I DID ALONE.

The "HI" has helped me to understand that I CAN RETIRE, THAT I KNOW WHAT TO DO IN ORDER TO SURVIVE.

I am grateful to the Almighty that he showed me the "HI" so that I can move forward with MY OWN LIFE.

I am hoping that this is my last year at work and that I stay healthy and can reap the benefits of what I have accomplished to be able to move on to an enjoyable life that I ALONE will create for myself.  It doesn't mean that I wish him harm.  It's just that I now know that in order to ENJOY, I must do it alone.

I can never forget that when he starts, I NEED TO WALK OUT OF A ROOM!!!!!!  

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