Sunday, December 16, 2012


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me the gift of happiness. I am a happy person.  I am interested in all aspects of life and what it has to offer.  

When I have sadness in my life, I often try to look for the silver lining.  I create strategies to deal with the bad things that can happen.

Yesterday, I asked him why he does things to hurt me.  The answer was shocking and I am still amazed at it.  I repeated it to my friends and my daughters.   He knows that he is an unhappy person and that I am usually happy.  His aim is to make me as miserable as he is.

Those were his exact words.

Thank you Almighty for the gift of happiness

I'm happy because I will survive this also.   

I'm so glad that I know this now before I even think of retirement.

I definitely won't buy a bigger condo now.

Thank you Almighty for providing information before more damage was done.

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