Monday, December 31, 2012


July 31, 2012 was the worst day of my life, but looking back, it also was the best day.

I an grateful to the Almighty for hitting bottom because there was no other way to go but up and that is exactly what I did.   I re-made myself.   I am not the same person that I was with certain people and I will never be that way again.

I have really internalized what the psychiatrist told me.  When he sets up a dialogue that you don't wish to have, leave.......the room, the house..........   I have added to that the concept of not responding.  You can't have a confrontation when the other person is quiet.

Quiet has given me the ability to explore new things that will make me happy.  Quiet has given me the ability to explore myself emotionally and spiritually.  Quiet has given me much more time to enjoy my own life.  Quiet has reduced my depression and anxiety.

If July 31, 2012 had not happened life would have gone on as usual.  I would have been his victim.  I would have been emotionally bullied.  I would have very little time as my time would have been consumed in trying to "teach him and please him."  There would have been no time for me.  There would have been no exploration.  I would not have grown.  He would have continued to set up situations to bully and abuse me.

I hit bottom and I now have the freedom to be me.

I hope that the Almighty continues to be by my side so that I can enjoy life.

As we move into this new year, the year 2013, I will with the Almighty's help, continue to be quiet so that I can explore and grow!!!!

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