Sunday, December 2, 2012


In school there are lots of tests that we must pass in order to become something in this world.  The same is true of life, I have discovered.  In order to have a simple and happy balanced life, there are many tests that one has to pass.

I am grateful to the Almighty for passing some tests.  Last night, we went to see a film.  On the way, in order to make conversation, I told him about the sad state of affairs of the Rabbis wife. His comment was to ask how an intelligent man could make such a poor decision in marrying  this woman.  My response was to say that sometimes very intelligent people are fooled and only after children come, does the spouse reveal themselves.  He questioned whether I was talking about him.  I CHANGED THE SUBJECT!  However, I got my point across.

This morning, he chose to discuss his hospital stay and how much he has learned from it.  I DID NOT SAY A WORD BUT CONTINUED TO BRUSH MY TEETH.

I showed him pictures of our older one on Facebook in front of a Christmas tree.  He chose to defend her.  I just asked where her boyfriend was.

I am learning that one can speak one's mind non-emotionally as long as one knows when to shut down.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this revalation.

And now it's off to RESTORATIVE YOGA.  I'm not staying home!!!!!

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