Sunday, December 7, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I went to yoga this morning, after I walked.   The instructor talked about having a calm mind in order to solve problems.

That's exactly what I have been doing and it is really working.

I decided to do this after discovering that we are not going to buy the Westhampton Pines Timberidge Condominium.  He didn't want to spend the money.  This would have been fine with me except he spent two years looking for a condo out east with me only to decide not to purchase one.  What a complete waste of my time.  He doesn't read or have activities so this filled up his time.  However it was a real waste of my time.  Truth be told, I didn't really want to purchase one with him.  I am content and happy with my life.  Making a purchase like this could only stir up issues.  However I still don't enjoy my time being wasted.

I also realized that he sets up conversation just to cause controversy. I created a slogan of 4 topics that don't have to be discussed and I called them N.E.C.K.   The N stands for neighbors, friends and family.   The E stands for Ellen.   The C stands for condo and the K stands for kids. I announced that if there is something to talk about we can speak otherwise it can just be quiet.

This is working beautifully.  I walked this morning at Home Depot.  I took a yoga class.  I did some errands.  I read the newspapers with DD coffee.  All the while he keeps asking what is wrong.  Nothing is wrong.  I'm just not wasting more time.

My instructor was correct.  You need a calm mind in order to solve problems.

I am grateful that I heard this.

Thank you, Almighty.

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