Monday, December 8, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because even after all the verbal abuse that I have had to suffer I have not lost sight of who I am and what I have accomplished.

It has been a little rough at times culminating in this condo purchasing scam.  I think that I have a better insight into the devious things that he can do so that I will never be taken in again.  I worked for a very long time and was out of the house so I didn't spend that much time with him.  Since I am above board and honest, it never ceases to amaze me at what a lier he is.

I am feeling much better both physically and emotionally and it will be a long time until I get taken in again.

Today I did many things in reverse.  

I attended my yoga class.

I attended a wonderful book discussion.

I'm hoping to walk inside at Home Depot later.

I'm hoping to watch a film later too.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me not to loose sight of who I am and the things that I have accomplished.

I am grateful!!!!

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