Sunday, December 21, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am alive and healthy on this new day.

Today I will walk at Home Depot and take a yoga class.

Matzah is going for his dog grooming.

I had gone to Dr. B.Well Naturally on Friday and gotten a natural mood enhancer and I'm happy to say that it is working.  I feel a great deal better.  My shoulder is also better and my life is moving ahead.

Synagogue services were wonderful years.  Talking to my "synagogue buddies" was fun.  I did not make more of it than I had to.  He decided not to go out last night, but leave it to little resourceful me.   I made dinner, read my book in my music room and watched a sci-fi special on HBO.  I even did the laundry and some straightening up.

I was proud of me.

Thank you, Almighty for a new day.

I am grateful.

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