Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

I'm going to have to re-vamp my schedule.  I will be walking more at Home Depot due to bad weather.   I am going to create more interesting projects to do.  Right now, I'm listening to soothing meditation music.  I will read more and all in all this period of hibernation will pass and it will be Spring again.

Yesterday we had a nor'easter and it was wonderful to know that I didn't have to get up early to go to work.  I had some projects in mind and thy were completed in a timely fashion.  The weather let up and I politically went out to dinner with him in order to go to my book discussion which I really enjoyed.

This morning I awoke early.  My pressure was good and I realized that my shoulder pain had lessened.  It is probably a combination of a yoga problem/stress.  Living with him isn't easy but I'm watching what he does, how he responds, how he complains nation wide, how he makes promises that are lies and how I react.  I am inside a great deal more now and with him around it can be stressful.  

Today I'm going to a Lunch and Learn.  I will walk at Home Depot.  Tonight is Sisterhood Bingo. 

In between I will read, drink DD coffee and start my new book.

I am in the process of keeping a task analysis of his activities to better prepare myself for emotional reactions.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

Thank you, Almighty.

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