Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty because He has helped me to change for the better.  As a result of this I am really enjoying life.

This morning I walked and when I returned I told him that I wanted to get the truck washed and the credit card to use.  He proceeded to yell and scream and threaten me.  I had no idea why this was.  I checked the shopping list using as a ruse that I wanted to make sure some things were on the list.  

I did NOT answer him but left to practice yoga.

I was very proud of myself.  This was the month where almost three years ago to the day, I answered him and he responded by calling the police and I was sent to NCMC.  

His power is gone.

He is a handyman.

I have changed.

Thank you, Almighty.

I am grateful.

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