Friday, July 17, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for letting me to listen to Hollie who told me to try yoga.  It has truly changed my life.

I tried a new class last night called Restorative Yoga and Meditation.  The instructor read a poem about a person who was never satisfied with the present moment. The person "wanted" Summer when it was Spring, Fall when it was Summer, wanted to be 30 when they were 20 and so on.................   That resonated with me because I have learned the joy of the moment.  I am so grateful for this.

I have learned, through yoga, to see misery in perspective.  I had a wonderful week because I never allowed his comments to become my entire day.

Today I will walk,  and practice yoga in two classes.  I have an appointment to have my hair colored and blown out.

Tonight is the beginning of the Sabbath and I will be home!!!

I'm excited.

Thank you, Almighty for yoga.

I am grateful.

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