Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful new life that I have.

I have gotten rid of the clutter and achieved clarity.  This really does give me insight into what I need to do to achieve a good life.  I am proud of myself each time that I practice stillness with him.  I am proud of myself when I am quiet.  

I am proud of myself when nothing stupid deters me from my original goal.

Today is a very cloudy day but I'm going to try and walk.  I will also practice yoga at the studio.  I have an Apple lesson to attend where I hope to do some work with I-Tunes and I-Photo.  The doggie has to go to the vet to have his ear checked.

Did I tell you that I went to a wonderful discussion of Animal Farm at my book club yesterday?

He spends his days playing "the condo game" and looking for a reaction from me and that isn't happening. Control over me has disappeared.

I'm so happy about that.

Thank you Almighty for my new life.

I am grateful.

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